Saturday, August 29, 2009


Egyptians always care to teach world, the ancient Egyptians made mummies to show world how was the human in beginning of civilization, the present Egyptians make 24/7 live show to let the world know how human will act like after the end of civilization!

Napoleon did sell Louisiana to cover his campaign to Egypt cost and its end up Louisiana speaks English and Egypt first foreign is English too!

It’s bad human behavior people talk good in front of each other and talk bad in back of each other, I wonder is why if someone loves you want to be with you all time?!

Egyptian policemen have very smart theory that is pain and torturing will bring the best inside you, your life!!

Many times in French history they get better under foreigner control, so I advice them next presidential election to vote for an immigrant from North Africa!!

Spanish language could be the first language in USA soon, that teach us that the books and knowledge UK left didn’t live longer than the hunger Spain left!

The non believer (atheist) are 30 % which is more than in franc and USA (9 %), so after deduct that and Christians and Jews and the Baha’is
And the Zoroastrians, I wonder why they insist to name it Islamic country????

President Mubarak (the Egyptian president) in his last visit to USA said to the press I’m a president elected by Egyptians, and that teach us (EGYPTIANS) means policemen in Egypt ONLY!
President Obama speech in Cairo was a proof he against homosexual marriage and even love, when the Egyptian gay actor said loudly I love you Obama, he just replayed thank you!

President Mubarak told press also he his son never told him he has plans to be president to Egypt after him, I totally believe him, do you imagine good son tell his dad I’ll keep your lands and slaves after your death, that’s rude , isn’t it?

Dubai is the place where east meet west according to emirate people, is that why there is the highest car accident percentage?!!!

Many men say a woman are crazy and stupid, is that why many women say men are liars?
Friday, Saturday and Sunday the holy days for religious reasons over the world, the same day the biggest business days to sell alcohol and drugs over the world which is forbidden in those religions!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I mentioned in older post that it scared me a lot that I live with a nation does’t care so much about the human being and people life is not a value thing at all and here is one of many REAL STORIES:
AT January 2006 Egypt hold the 2006 Africa Cup of Nations and for sure all Egyptians were excited as it’s the most (and the only sport) popular in Egypt.
Everyone was ready and excited to support the Egyptian national team who will play against the Africans (Egyptians not, read older posts) and for sure Egypt must beat them because the game on Egypt land, and because of the 7000 years of civilization (I don’t know why we say 7000??).
In meantime there were 1312 normal people (not elite) in their way back to home from Saudi Arabia in vacation mostly.
Those people fate was to be on the AL SALAAM 98 FERRY which happen to sink at February 2 2006 in middle of the soccer competition and hundreds of people died but did that stop the nation from supporting the national team? No way its more important to support the team than to support that thousand of family were sad and lost their loved one and in most cases the only finical support they had!!
For first time I think anyone mention what I’ll till in next part and it is so disappointed me and was a major change in how I see my nation.
After EGYPT won the competition and everyone was happy they remembered the ferry sink and then some start to scream that should be a punishment for the company owner while he just an owner and were many other mistakes but as how Egyptians thinking it should be one to slaughter and then every thing will remain quit without any move to change any thing!
Let me clear that first when this ferry sink the authorities did’t want it to be pulled to the HURGHADA port because it’s a tourist one and that will affect on tourism.
After they start to rescue some people they took them to the ARMY hospital in hurghada but there was no enough blood in hospital then the authorities ordered all hotels to make employ donate blood by force but it ended up most of employee had AIDS OR VIRUS C and other diseases (mostly sex diseases) they throw that blood and then through away the rescued people too before they die in hospital!!.
The end was a game from the government because they know how people thinking, the game was a court and 10 years in prison for the company owner which will never happen because he live in London! And that was the deal he is silent and just let him away safe and every thing will go smoothly.
The most ironic thing in this dramatic accident that was no official number about how many passengers were or even how many was the crew!!
That’s why I suggested for Germans after the marwa elsherbiny accident to make a soccer game with Egypt and let Egyptians win then all will go nice and Egyptians will dancer all over the streets for the night.


It’s not that it is genetic thing to have a Invasion mentality, While in history almost all nations were colonist at some point in their history.
It was mostly in human history that nation Invasion other nations because of needs such as need of food or water or even to have more safe borders, that’s always happen and it’s understandable what ever you agree or not but there was a logic behind it.
After that introduction which was important to see how it is very strange that we (EGYPTIANS) mostly have Invasion mind while:
Egyptians live on 8% of their land, which mean there is no land needs!
Egypt does’t has a real border problems
IT is more clear to hear that idea from people who had nothing before 1952 and after few officers took a control of country in 1952 and had that idea of REDIVIDE THE WEALTH and give those people land for free which make them believe in Owen for free if you just have power!
While I conversation with other guys in Egypt about the economic situation MUST someone AT LEAST mention that it would be better if we still OWEN OUR SUDAN!!!(Simply everyone will swear to god Egypt and Sudan were one country but please till me when and how that happen???) And some will go more haters and talk about when we (EGYPTIANS) had control over the gulf countries and their oil (they mean the period before oil while Egypt was help Arab a little with annual bailout before oil time) AND YES THAT’S OUR CULTURE NOW IF WE DO A GOOD THING FOR YOU WE WILL REMIND YOU BY IT FOR NEXT 500 YEARS AT LEAST!!!
And some simply would go back in history till the time of ANDALUS (Islamic Spain) and talk about the luxury life and the WHITE SLAVE WOMEN!! You can easily feel the sorry tune in the voice.
With this type of conversation I was wonder do people really realize what they talking about? Do they understand that even if that is stilling part of Egypt it will have people live on have rights?
Simply what people realize that is if it is OUR land none has rights except us and the original residents such a slaves!!!
Even when Egyptians scream and talk about Palestinians its just because most Egyptians, (I being optimist that not ALL) believe 100% from plastin is part of Egypt and there is no any feelings to Palestinians at all, my proof is how Palestinian have been treat in Egypt from EGYPTIANS (I’ll write about that from real story I seen for my self in Egypt).
At last it was a human thing to live with all those feeling and dreams to Owen other lands and sources for free, simply if most of people live around you think this way how you can feel safe they won’t use the same logic and take your home or your life it self? It is a nation culture.